Pinedale Mobility Project
The Town of Pinedale is assessing mobility needs and identifying actionable near-term and long-term solutions for enhancing safety, accessibility, connectivity, resiliency, and livability in our community with the development of a Transportation Master Plan and Pedestrian Safety Plan.
Like many other communities in Wyoming, Pinedale is presented with a challenge with a state highway navigating through the main street of the Town. It is challenging to both serve the needs of the highway system (efficiently move goods and people) while also serving the needs of a downtown community (i.e., walkability, visually appealing, multiple busy intersections, and helping the local economy healthily grow). Additionally, continued community growth and changing traffic conditions, caused by changing economic conditions within the community, warrant an analysis of the current transportation system and its ability to meet the needs of the community both now and in the future.
The goal of this study is to obtain current traffic data on the existing network and utilize a data-driven approach to understanding current conditions, traffic growth projections, and to forecast future traffic conditions in the community.
The purpose of the study is to develop transportation alternatives and recommendations for transportation improvements to improve mobility, connectivity, safety, and accessibility throughout the community and provide an actionable plan for the community on which to base future transportation decisions.

Project Objectives:
Objective Number 1:
Study and understand existing and forecasted traffic conditions primarily along US 191 through Pinedale, Wyoming, and the ability of the highway system to serve the transportation needs of the community and the highway system. Include evaluation and assessment of capacity, roadway safety, pedestrian safety, traffic control, geographic design, geographic barriers, ROW limitations, etc., of US 191.
Objective Number 2:
Evaluate community connectivity and evaluate connectivity needs for a robust long-term transportation plan for the community. The plan should include the development of functional classifications and a community connectivity plan.
Objective Number 3:
Inventory and develop an asset management program for the local roadway system utilizing GIS or web-based software. The final program will evaluate, assess, and document existing roadway conditions preferred treatment alternatives with expected costs, and a systematic approach for the Town to better manage maintenance funds for pavement management.
Project Oversight
The Pinedale Transportation Master Plan is being led by and funded by the Town of Pinedale. A portion of the project is being funded by a Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) planning grant. The Town of Pinedale believes that transportation improvements in and around Pinedale have a far-reaching impact on other aspects of our community and have asked other local government agencies to aid in the development of the Transportation Master Plan. The Transportation Improvement Study will be developed under the supervision of a steering committee. The committee is chaired by the Town of Pinedale and includes representatives from the following organizations:
Sublette County Road and Bridge
Sublette County Sheriff
WYDOT Resident Engineer
WYDOT District Traffic Engineer
Sublette County Emergency Management
Sublette County Hospital District
Sublette County School District No. 1